Thursday, February 15, 2007


What is the definition of inhibition? Well, according to the American Heritage dictionary it is the act of inhibiting.... does that make it clear? Maybe you should read the second definition to clear it up a bit more... it is the state of being inhibited. Damn, this is a good dictionary. Seriously, I thought it was not allowed to define a word with the the word being defined. (I probably could have made that make more sense, but I have absolutely no care in the world if you can't make sense of it. If you can't figure it out, you are stupid - - according to the dictionary that means 'the state of being stupid' or 'the act of stupidity').
So, inhibition? Why do I choose this word? It is because at this point of the semester I have no motivation whatsoever, only inhibition. I am at a standstill with studying. I had a test today, which I could not possibly make myself study for for more than 2 hours in the past week. I had a paper due today, and thank goodness I got it out of the way in the first few weeks of school because I definately would not have completed it. I had trouble enough formatting it and actually printing it off. I have yet another midterm tomorrow that is, as of now, unstudied for.
The only thing I am not inhibited to do is watch the television. Grey's anatomy tonight, eh eh? Sounds like another good procrastination tool.
It seems like February is the month of laziness. Every part of your body tends to shut down. As others have pointed out in the recent past, it is a month of 'blah'. Possibly it is because the middle of semester is upon us, and the last thing you feel like doing is the million and one assignments, presentations, and papers you have. Or perhaps it is the mere fact that we are living in Saskatchewan, with this absurd cold weather. It's dreary and ugly. Who wants to be energetic and motivated when you wake up to -40 degree weather every day?
Everybody should abandon this place, and move to somewhere where there is warmth and sunshine, and beaches, booze, and boys... (oooh, look it's alliteration!!) - - okay, i'd probably do just fine with the first two in the list, but the others would definately be positive factors of the equation as well.
Alright, this is merely pointless... and only being written because I don't want to, or can't make myself, study. ughh....

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