Thursday, May 24, 2007

Changin' It Up

I was somewhat sick of my old template and colors so I decided to switch it up. And now that I changed it, I am debating whether this is far too girly for my liking. Pink. Maybe TOO pink. But my old template was drab and the weather is drab, so I needed something livelier. You know, more alive. So, pink it is. For now.

And since I have nothing else to say today, I will leave you on this note - - an image to remind you of a much loved television show by most everybody my age! I can still picture Joey Gladstone with his half glazed over eyes saying it.

And of course, a video for every school girl of that time to realize they weren't completely on crack thinking Jesse Katsopolis was sexy.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm lovin the pink dude. I say keep it. Least for a while. It's lively and come on, you're a girly girl. At least some of the time. Tee hee!