Alright, update on my life... apart from school. Not alot really. I did get a tour at City Police with my Sparks group. It was AMAZING. Who can't say yay to a bunch of young, good looking cops walking about in uniform? Yummm. They took us into the shooting range and I got to hold one of their big rifle type guns(ya I'm not an expert so have no idea what it is really called). We also got to meet one of the dogs, Bear. He was sooo cute. And probably listens better than anybody I know. We all yelled out "Come Bear" and he proceeded to open the car door and come to us!! It was awesome!! What dog can open a door?? Sweet. Then he 'attacked' another one of the officers who was a 'bad guy', but he only attacked on command and when he was commanded to stop he did just that. He cornered the bad guy and just growled. Told to go to the car, and he did. I want a man in my life that listens that well.... maybe that is why I'm single, because there is no such thing as a man who listens. They showed us where they keep the surveillance cameras, which was probably the best part.... because it was right across from their coffee room, where all of the mouth-opening, jaw-dropping men in uniform were. And there was a really cute cop who kept giving me a cute smile.... so I wasn't going to complain.
A few weeks ago I attended the BuckCherry concert in the city complements of my friend who won tickets. We started out at The Drink night club, where B.I.L.F, and trust, there is only one of the members who is truly that, played. Look below at the picture to see. Nothing gets better than a man who looks pretty AND can play guitar and do vocals at the same time!! We then proceeded onto a rowdy, beer smelling, packed full bus of drunk BuckCherry fans. Their show was amazing, although they did not play "Slit My Wrists" which is by far my most loved song of theirs, and probably one of the most common thoughts amongst the student population right now. I ran into a few old friends, which was awesome. Seems to be the only place I ever see them is concerts, but seeing a friendly face in a crowd of 1000 potsmoking, beer guzzling obnoxious freak kids is more than comforting. After the show we went back to The Drink for more B.I.L.F, not that I needed to hear much more of them as I've heard them at least 10 times prior to this night.
Last night I went to Thornley, also at The Drink and also complements of a friend who won tickets. Well, a boyfriend of a friend who won tickets. My plans were to be completely wrecked and be anything but sober after a few weeks of hellish school. But, when I found out that the only beer I could drink was Canadian because it was a Molson sponsored event, and that to drink this beverage that tastes like pee mixed with a bit of apple juice cost $4.50 a drink, I decided against my idea of getting ridiculously stupid, beyond the point of a 2 day recovery. My decision stands as great, because God only knows what kind of trouble I would have got myself into. The concert was great without dancing drunk on tables and flirting with every cute bartender there. As they played "Beautiful" there was a guy who kept trying to get me to dance with him. Sorry to break it to you dude, but you would not be what somebody imagines when they hear the name of the song, and grabbing my butt and telling me my boobs look good while you stare at them is not going to help you out. Here, I also ran into a guy I used to have a crush on, but all he could do was talk about his ex-girlfriend. Maybe this is my own fault that things never worked between us, but seriously, I wanted to talk to him ABOUT him, not about his ex. Oh well, it was never meant to be I suppose.
Alright, my life has been recapped for you, so I'll leave you with that and a few pictures.
The only bilf in B.I.L.F
Signing off,
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