Idiots we are... but had oh so much fun. Tonight I headed over to my best bud's house for a very scrumptious supper, which entailed a spinach dip for appetizer, russian chicken, rice and a garlic bread for the main course, and... pie, which we didn't eat, for dessert. It was just me and her and another friend of ours. So we chatted and gossiped like typical girls, then Shanda had to head out. So just me and Mieka left. And of course, anybody who knows how Mieka and I get when we get together and hang out, knows that it's never a normal evening. Not that we were super crazy tonight or anything, just not 'normal'. So we cracked the last bottle of wine that my buddy Heather gave to me for Christmas. And we drank it with class, out of margarita glasses. And by the way, it was delicious!! Yummy, Red Zinfandel. I was never a wine fan, until Heather introduced me to her homemade batches. Since then, I've been addicted. After the bottle was half empty, or half full, whichever way you like to look at it, I decided to chug a glass of water, to make positive I could drive home by the end of the night. So I set my water on the table, then proceeded to knock it over with my elbow. As I make a lovely catch so I don't spill too much, I set it back on the table only to do the exact same thing a second time! Yes... I'm a clutz, and now you all know it. I swear to goodness it was NOT the wine, it was definitely just me being me. So after I cleaned it up, I decided it was best to stick to the wine, I hadn't spilled that yet.
We then decided to play the idiot game. For anybody who does not know what this is, you should!! It's super fun, and easy. It's like war, kinda. You flip over a card, and you have actions for the cards. so if a jack is flipped you have to yell out 'Hi Jack!'. An ace... you hit your forehead. An 8, clap your hands, a 9, yell Yo, a 10, fist to the table, a queen, slap the table, a king, tap your chest, and so on... the rest we just made up as we became pro at the first few. The first one to complete the action wins the pile of cards. So, as you can imagine, as you're trying to remember all of these signs, and attempting to do these actions without messing up, it can get pretty funny. And throughout this game, Mieka was definitely the 'idiot'.... even though she won the game in the end. Why is she the idiot? Well, let's just say that I was not the one to spill the red wine down the front of my new white shirt, and I was also not the one to yell out 'I was the first to get the clap!!' Mieka got the clap. Thanks for sharing Mieka. But, since she was victorious in the end, she wins I suppose. The pictures displayed are the two of us, just being the twits that we are.
Yep, as you can tell I have not much to say, so that is all... til next time folks.
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