Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunday mornings

6 a.m, sun shining bright, birds chirping in the trees, a cat clawing and meowing in my face, and door buzzer going off. Well the first few sounded like a beautiful morning minus the fact that I went to bed at 2 am, planned to sleep until 10 and had no intention of waking up any earlier. It did however turn itself around. I managed to sleep for another hour and my mom and sister showed up a little later to take me out for brunch. It now seems to be a really nice day out there and I am going to go out and enjoy it, while studying.....
I'll leave you with a picture of the crazy cat, Ajax. His expression explains all aspects of CRAZY and exactly why I don't like waking up to him in my face.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Baby Food

I feel as if days have gone by and absolutely nothing exciting has happened in my life. NOTHING. Everything is so minute and boring. Eat. Sleep. Dream. Study. T.V. School. Study. etc...
I have left my house a few times, but for nothing of any significance or excitement. I did however spend 4 hours last night doing homework at Mae's workplace. aka visiting and checking out cute RC's. Oh ya, and watching little boys in close-to-vintage Riders sweaters attempting to skip down the hall. It was the highlight of my week I do believe. As it was a Friday night I did not attempt to sound intelligent or impressive. "Mae, what is that stuff that babies eat? The food for babies? What is it called?" Really difficult answer to come by....

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Changin' It Up

I was somewhat sick of my old template and colors so I decided to switch it up. And now that I changed it, I am debating whether this is far too girly for my liking. Pink. Maybe TOO pink. But my old template was drab and the weather is drab, so I needed something livelier. You know, more alive. So, pink it is. For now.

And since I have nothing else to say today, I will leave you on this note - - an image to remind you of a much loved television show by most everybody my age! I can still picture Joey Gladstone with his half glazed over eyes saying it.

And of course, a video for every school girl of that time to realize they weren't completely on crack thinking Jesse Katsopolis was sexy.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I always wondered what it was that intrigued my dad that keeps him at the computer reading all of these farm-based links. One of his favorite websites is ProFarmer Canada. He is ALWAYS on this site. Why? Well, I thought before that he just looked at farm charts which make no sense to me whatsoever, and read articles talking about the shitass price of canola, and all the other bull that comes along with farming. But today, he was here and I heard him snickering. So I ask him what it was that could possibly be funny on this site. Like, really, are the mites in the wheat field that hilarious? But here is what he was laughing at:

Pro Farmer Canada's Strategy Showcase for 5/22/07**

A blonde was driving home after a game and got caught in a really bad hailstorm. Her car was covered with dents, so the next day she took it to a repair shop. The shop owner saw that she was a blonde, so he decided to have some fun.

He told her just to go home and blow into the tail pipe really hard, and all the dents would pop out.

So, the blonde went home, got down on her hands and knees and started blowing into her tailpipe. Nothing happened. So she blew a little harder, and still nothing happened.

Her roommate, another blonde, came home and said, "What are you doing?"
The first blonde told her how the repairman had instructed her to blow into the tail pipe in order to get all the dents to pop out.

The roommate rolled her eyes and said, "Duh, like hello! You need to roll up the windows first.

Although I don't normally laugh at blond jokes, this was funny. Or perhaps it was how my father imitated the blond, "Duh, like hello!"

Sunny Saskatchewan

It's 9 a.m and I have just finished hitting the snooze bar about 6 times. That is 54 minutes of today that I wasted. Fifty-four minutes. FIFTY FOUR. That seems like a whole lot of minutes to waste in a day when it is summer time. But here in Saskatchewan, where it is as of right now, cold, wet, and dreary, I do not feel so bad. Those 54 minutes are best spent under the soft, valeur covers of my quilt. ahh, yes. That is the way to spend these kind of days. But now, I am wide awake, not so ready to start my day. But awake nonetheless. Why can't this province fullfil that great sounding alliteration... 'Sunny Saskatchewan?' Well folks, maybe tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Brain Teaser Contest

I know I'm taking Mike's ideas of contests, so here's recognition to him!! I'm not taking all the credit for such a great idea to waste time!! So, here's a brain teaser. Maybe a little prize for anybody who can figure this out. :) Look at the list below:


Now, figure out what these words have in common. It's not a trick, there is some commonality. Now GO!!


Wow... bet you were all thinking I gave up on the whole blog thing eh? Either that or thought I was dead. Maybe the latter of the 2 is more appealing to you? I hope not... Let's see, where do I start to update? I finished the dreaded finals on April 23rd and believe it or not, it took me until the 25th before I decided to get drunk. I was priveleged enough to get to spend time on the 24th with my friend Lucy, who is now gone to Ghana for the summer to observe Mona Monkies!! She's always been into primatology and so I think this is a great opportunity for her! Then, the 25th. 3 words for you. Shots. Tequila. Smashed. Oh so drunk. Drunk that I stayed up until 6am, and the last time I did that I was studying for Neuropsychology. I will tell you one thing. This night was far more fun. And included friends. You know, those things that talk. And socialize. And drink.

The next day I was up by 11 am, and proceeded with a girl day with my 2 best school buds. Shopping. Perfume. Cakemaking. Drinking. And to JD's we went... the dirtiest bar in town. And as much as I am not a fan of the place, I couldn't pass it up because it was a buddies birthday party/got into Grad school party!! And so we celebrated. Some. Okay, a lot.

Alright... to shorten things up a bit: I did a few more nights of drinking until I completely wore myself out. To the point of headcold, flu, headcold, flu. etc... It wasn't fun, but it was self-inflicted, so I cannot complain. It was worth it though, I am a small town girl and I just HAVE to make sure my alcohol tolerance stays high so I can continue to outdrink the citypunk boys.

Enjoyed some time out at the farm with my dad, and in town with the rest of the family. Wish I could get out there more often, and plan to soon!

Now I'm back to school, where the chaos of writing papers, studying for midterms, and finals is back. Soon enough though, end of this August, I will have my BA in Psychology, with a minor in Linguistics. And what will I do with that?? Enjoy a year in Regina, working at whatever job I can find - - hopefully something that can at least allow me to have a little bit of fun- - pay off loans, and enjoy the year NOT writing exams and papers. This will allow me recovery time so I can go back to school next fall, if and when I get into a Speech Pathology Program. Somewhere NOT in Regina :)

That's all for now.

Oh, by the way, I plan on trying to keep myself active on here! TRY being the key word...
