Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Random Rambles

Can you believe it? I think I should get a star sticker for this one!! I think it has been a full 4 days since I have been on MSN. WOW! It is impressive, but now I find myself staring blankly at my contacts list just waiting for somebody I want to talk to to sign on. But, my dear friend Heather has saved me. She is the only other dedicated MSN geek who sits on throughout the day, when homework is pushed to the side because it is not nearly as important as talking to me. It is as if we don't see each other each and every day for at least an hour a day, and we just do not get enough girl gossip in, so we need to spend a few hours chatting on MSN as well. Oh the joys of the computer in a geeky girls life.
Well, I have not written in a few days, so what can I tell you that would be of any excitement to anybody. Probably not much. My reasons for not being on here are plausible. I am house/dogsitting for my Aunt for 2 weeks. And although the dog needs very little attention and outside peeing time, I still have to go over there to let her out. So rather than going back and forth each time, I have been staying over night so I don't need to wake up at ridiculous hours in the morning to drive over there to take the little mutt out. This dog is treated like a princess. She is royalty to my aunt. Every time she goes outside she gets a treat. Actually, she gets one treat broke into 2. That is just how it goes. Then every single time you leave the house, even if its just to take the garbage out to throw it on the back step you must give her another treat. And once a day you must make sure she gets a Dental stick.... oh, and don't forget to fill the water dishes twice aday, because God forbid she might have to drink water that has been sitting for 3 hours. And at night time, you have to let her sleep on the bed with you, which wouldn't be so bad... but, this dog HATES me. She won't let me pick her up without snarling and digging those awful sharp teeth into my hands. So, now tell me, how in God's name am I supposed to let her sleep on the bed with me? ya... thats what I thought. YOU DON'T!
More news from me, and I'm proud to say it , is that I have been making a point of going to the gym. Last week I manage to get there 5 times!! 5 whole times, thats like a world record i think!! And I went once this week already, but I think I may skip today as I got a wonderful offer from Heather to go watch a movie.... Flicka... boys and horses, my two favourite things. Okay, well horses aren't a favorite, but boys seem to be top on the list for me these days, as homework seems less important than anything. And the best part of it, is I'm goign with Heather and her little boy, Reese. He is sooo adorable!! Just picture a 3 year old trying to re-enact each and every action of Spiderman. I will have to attach a picture of the cutie pie one of these days. Just not today, as right now I have to get my butt in gear and off to class.... ughhh, the coldness... yuck. It's only -35 with the windchill, Suck it up!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Expected and The Unexpected

I'm a Grey's Anatomy fanatic. I watch it every week, and would NEVER miss an episode. Not only is it a superb drama series which makes you laugh and makes you cry, it also has a point, always gives you a good understanding of life. Since my last few (and only) posts have all been full of complaints, tonight I'm going to be more positive. Tonight's episode made me realize that we always focus on the expected aspects in life. We have a routine, and we tend to stick to it, never deviating far from the norm of our day to day lives. We get up, we get ourselves ready for the day and we do the things we do, day in day out, every day. Then there is the unexpected parts in life. This is what gives life excitement. This is what allows you to laugh and cry; fill you with joy and fear. So why do we hold on to the expected? It is because it keeps us steady; it keeps us stable and on track. Sometimes the expected gets boring, and we want change to excite our lives, but in the end, the expected is always comforting. Then there is the unexpected. It switches our lives up a bit, it gives us something to talk about, something to laugh about, something to cry about. It gives us the energy to go out in the world, and live the next day. It motivates us because without this unexpected aspect we would deplete, lose the ambition we have in life. The unexpected is the twists and turns our lives take, which help to make our lives complete. This unexpected sometimes may seem as if it is impossible to deal with, but some how we always deal. The expected is just the beginning, the unexpected is what changes our lives. Life is short, and sometimes it just sucks but we make it through these unwanted challenges and always end up with something to smile about, a life to love. So next time you're in pain, depressed, stressed, or angered, remember we will come to a point again where life is worth living.

It's great to be alive, and I am thankful for everything I have.... friends, family, and life! Until next time....

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Back to Elementary School

'Okay class, here is your assignment. I will give you the full hour today to work on it.' This is NOT what I pay the university thousands of dollars to hear. If I wanted to work in class I would have failed elementary or highscool over and over again as many times as possible. I pay to be lectured, to learn something... or at least to hear somebody babble at the front of the class even though half of the time they don't really know what they are talking about. So, I leave class as soon as she says this, with full intentions of going up to my little study area, not to actually work on my assignment, but to visit with my equally 'not-very-enthusiastic-about-homework-at-the-moment' buddies. (The picture here is one I took out the window from our comfy little 'study' area.) So after sitting around for two hours accomplishing a whole lot of nothing but gossip and girl talk, I head to my next class, Human Neuropsychology, my last class of the day. Sounds tough right? Well, it probably will be, but the atmosphere makes it sound just as much as the last class, like highschool. The professor (or should I just say teacher) walks in and says 'Good afternoon class' and you hear an echo in the room 'Good morning'. Or, wait.. it's not an echo, really its just the whole class saying good afternoon to her. Seriously, when was the last time you had to actually say 'Good afternoon' in unison unless you were at some afternoon church service (which I will add, hasn't been the case for me) or elementary school?

Then the professor goes into saying 'Oh I love when my students say that' and continues on into a life story of basically each and every class she's ever taught and then finally... after rambling on about that and hyperventalating because she gets so excited about absolutely everything she says, she finally gives us a lecture. Today, topic of the class, brain recording and imaging. Interesting I suppose, but by this time all I was thinking about is what my mommy and daddy will make me for supper since I'm revisiting elementary school.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My name stinks, but...

I lead a Sparks group... you know, a group of little stuck up, know it all, I'm the best, arrogant, whiny girls. No, really... I do love them to death, but sometimes they can drive you to complete insanity. So, yesterday was just not a good day. The last thing I wanted to do was go and hang out with my girls. I woke up at 8am to my fathers phone call, which I decided was only made because he was bored, and he wanted to wake me up on the day I wanted to sleep in. Also, my car was still MIA, my sister was nowhere to be found, and I had errands to run, with this reliable car I have. So I get ready for my day and proceed on my way to school. On the way out my apartment door, I fall on the ice patch because my landlords don't seem to understand the concept of clearing pathways when it snows so people can actually go out and in. I then run into this guy I knew from one of my first year classes, who I absolutely can not handle. He decides he should 'keep me company' all the way to school, when I much rather would have liked to go merrily on my way listening to my so called 'devil' music. Apparently Metallica is the devil... who knew? So, I get to Sociology class, to find out we are going to watch a movie... like I didn't already know that it's not the norm to grow up with only a day, that this could be a hardship for the children. I also didn't already know that a family can have only one mom, or only one dad, or a mom and a dad, or 2 daddies or 2 mommies. C'mon.... Okay, so I won't continue with the rest of my day, you get my point... it sucked. So I go to my Sparks group, and one of the girl so politely asks 'What is your real name Jewel?'. And so I tell her my name is Reena. She then asks the delightful, not so polite question. 'Ewwww, why is your name Reena?' Think my day was not bad enough? Okay. So, well my name is probably Reena because my parents decided to give me that name, and as much as I don't like it, I didn't feel like going through all of the hassle it is to deal with changing my name.... understandable? I think so. But of course the 6 year old disagrees. 'Your name is like weiners. And weiners are gross. So that means you're gross!... and then yells to the whole group... 'Look everybody, her name is Weiner! She stinks like Weiners'... alright. So I bite my tongue, and try to pretend its funny. But then one of the other very kind girls comes to me and says 'It's okay. My name is Martha. And I don't like my name. But, mom and dad liked it. So you learn to live with it. Really, I like your name.' So I conclude my night thinking... my name really isn't all that bad. Martha? who these days names their child Martha?? There are some parents out there that really don't choose well when picking names, but for the most part the moral of this story is there are just some kids who don't know how to keep their mouths closed when they really should.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The point of owning a car

This summer I finally bought myself a car... yes, it may only be a Cavalier, a car which absolutely everybody has, but none the less... it's a car!! What is the point of having a car? One would assume because they have places to go, people to see, things to do. Exactly. Yet, I own this car and I never get to do the things I need to do, see the people I want to see, and go to the places I need to go. Now I ask myself again, What is the point of having a car??' And my answer is that I want to be as kind as possible to my dear little 18 year old sister who I live with and let her take it any time she wants... to work, to her boyfriend's house, to parties. She needs a way around the city and therefore I bought a car for her to run her errands and keep in touch with her friends. NOT! This whole weekend I did not go anywhere, not that I had plans to go anywhere, but that is besides the point. The point of having a car is so that you can get around conveniently and don't have to plan things in advance. You can spontaneously pick up and go to the mall, go to Mickey Dee's, go to a friends... not me though. Apparently, I have my car for the mere purpose of letting my sister have the capacity to do all of these things instead. Yay for a car!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Blog? What?

So, this would be my first blog... ever. I never thought the day would come when I actually created what they call a 'blog'. I remember for the longest time when I heard this word 'blog' I had no clue what the heck it meant. Then when I did learn the meaning of it, I thought.... oh, this is for 'nerds'. Well, give a great big round of applause to me, I am officially a 'nerd'... and proud of it. Some of my friends have blogs, and I have now started spending countless hours reading them, never really thinking that I myself one day would be a blogger. But here I am, low and behold, a blogger.
And with this, hopefully I take a few minutes of the countless hours I spend reading blogs to actually post some. I never have been much of a writer though... so we'll see if I can become one of those people who can 'captivate' readers. Doubtful...